
How To Know If I Am Eligible For Hair Transplantation

A lot of people don’t realize this, but not everyone can just visit a hair transplant center and opt for a hair transplant, when they please. Here are some specific limitations, upon which only some people are eligible for a hair transplant procedure.

Your Hair Color Matters

It’s all about illusions. Sounds unbelievable? Well, your hair color, especially how your color looks near your scalp will determine if you really need a hair transplant or not. Some people with lighter colored scalp and accordingly, lighter colored hair, can get away with no hair transplant. How?

Well, their hair and their scalp tend to blend into one another and give the illusion of a fuller scalp and seemingly no hair loss. So, these people seldom need to go for hair transplants. If your hair is dark, but your scalp is light in color, then this difference will be clear as day to other people as well. These people are more in need of hair transplant surgery since their hair and scalp don’t blend in together. So, before considering a hair transplant just because you please, look at your own hair and see if you can manage without it.

Health of Your Hair

Hair transplant is all about growing hair from the hair follicles, so it’s very important that you determine your hair’s health. If your hair is sparse and thin, then you might not want to get a hair transplant procedure done, because it will make no difference. Potential candidates for hair transplants are people with thicker hair around the temple of their heads with balding in the crown region.

These people also have a marginally thicker hair structure, which enables newer hair to grow thicker as well. The bottom line is that if your hair is not healthy enough in the first place, then a hair transplant will not be the best option for you either.

Your Scalp Health

Well, you all might have heard of this before, but a healthier scalp will lead to better hair growth. If your scalp is unhealthy and has debris and buildup, then there will be no use of growing hair on this unhealthy scalp. Think of your scalp as fertile soil. If the soil is fertile and rich in nutrients, only then will the crop grow healthy and faster.

The same metaphor goes for your hair too. Your scalp should be free of any buildup or dandruff. Dandruff is the main culprit of hair loss and an unhealthy scalp. A dry scalp can never be good for your hair, as it doesn’t supply sufficient nutrients to the follicle, which promotes a healthy root for your hair. So, before going about the route of hair transplant, make sure your scalp is healthy, otherwise, you will only be wasting your money for no reason.

Your Overall Health

There are a lot of reasons why, before doctors go ahead with any medical procedure, they take a full test of your body. Even in hair transplants, you need to be checked for various diseases. If you suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes, then the results will not be as expected. You must be checked for any contracted diseases like Hepatitis and HIV.

If you are a contracted HIV or Hepatitis patient, then doctors will take extra precaution with you, as they must take care of their instruments and look after their clinical hygiene. So, you must be a relatively healthy person, if you are thinking about getting a hair transplant any time soon.

Condition of Hair Loss Prior To Transplant

Some important factors which are used by hair transplant clinics to determine a successful hair transplant include the amount of hair you have lost prior to surgery and the amount of hair you have for a successful transplant. The former condition should not be too deteriorated, otherwise, you will be classified as a person who has an unhealthy scalp and you will not be eligible for a hair transplant. If the amount of hair loss is less than the donor hair, then you are eligible for a successful hair transplant. This correlation is very important to set for hair transplant.

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