
Choosing a suitable hair color based on your skin tone

You’ve been wanting to change your look for quite a while now. But every time you plan an appointment you find yourself in utter confusion as to what hair colour will suit you the best. Maybe you have preferences but are too scared of experimenting on your own. To ease down the anxiety that accompanies with making a decision you can turn to hair salons specializing in colour. They will help you decide if the hair trend that you’ve been wanting to follow for months now will have the same effects as you’re hoping for.

What Hair colour will suit your skin tone the best?

This guide will help you decide your skin tone and the hair colour that will complement it.

Determining your skin tone

Before you begin analysing your skin tone, wash your face completely off of any makeup so that there are no confusions. Then move to a better lit room where you can check your skin tone under various types of light. A room with a large window or another source of natural light will help make an accurate decision for your hair style. Try on a shirt that you think looks best on you. This will determine the shade that looks best on you. If the colours blue, green or shades of purple suit you then you are likely to have a cool skin tone. However, if you get your most compliments in yellow, orange or peach shades then you may have a warm skin tone.

You can examine the colour of your eyes or veins in your wrist to find out your skin tone as well. If the colour of your veins is green then you have a warm skin tone. While if they are blue or purple then you may have a cool skin tone. Same goes for the eyes as well having shades of brown indicates a warm skin tone while blue or grey eyes mean a cooler skin tone.

Cool Skin tones

Now that you are sure that you lie in the cool undertone you can look for hair colours in a similar palette. Platinum, Beige, and light taupe blonde are the best shades of blonde that will compliment your skin tone. Nicole Kidman is a perfect example. She does cool red hair equally well. Lucy Liu is another one of the many people who carried her switch to blonde with grace. The same techniques work when deciding on highlights as well. Purple shampoos will turn out to be your go-to when going cool blonde.

In case you want to go for a brunette hair styles, dark chocolate and espresso colors look extremely well. Dakota Johnson and Duckie Thot are the perfect examples to look up to.

For shades of red, you should opt for burgundy, subtle shades of mocha and merlot. Christina Hendricks rocks her locks in this case.

In the rainbow category shades of blue, green and purple are the simplest to pull off. Reds and pinks can work like a charm too.

Warm Skin Tones

When opting for Blonde colour stylists recommend a blushy pink blonde or a golden beige or a buttery blonde. Sophie Turner is the best example of warmer blondes. In case of a brunette palette, you should tilt more towards caramel, butterscotch or clove shades. Selena Gomez works this concept beautifully. Same goes for shades in Red. Golden copper hues work best for warmer tones.

If you want to go for hair highlights or faded ombre’s then choose blushy blonde but not too golden. The wheat blonde looks great on warm undertones

In the Rainbow category similar concept is applied. Colours like coral, rose gold, yellow and apricot are recommended by a hair color correction specialist Rockville.



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